Visiting the Kodokan Judo Institute in Tokyo

Описание к видео Visiting the Kodokan Judo Institute in Tokyo

Prayerful Hope guided prayers (YouTube): (with devotionals):

I recently went on vacation to Tokyo, Japan. While visiting, I stayed at the Kodokan Judo Institute. The Kodokan is the founding school and international headquarters for the sport of judo today. The Kodokan was established in 1882 by Jigoro Kano, the founder of judo, and is now an eight-story building in Tokyo. It has over 1,300 mats across six dojos—a Main dojo for training and large competitions, and dojos for beginners, International players and events, women, and Boys' prep—plus a special dojo for retired judoka (like me) and special techniques training. There are also separate facilities for athlete housing, supplemental training, research -- and even a memorial museum tracing the lineage of judo. No cameras though. Must be some top secret stuff in there! All international promotions, clinics and Olympic games administration are also handled at the Kodokan.
Unbeknownst to me, during my stay the top university-level, corporate sponsored players from around Tokyo had come for an open practice. Even I couldn't resist an opportunity to train with the best players of tomorrow. My stay at the Kodokan is one memory I won't soon forget.

**This is a RE-POST**
I had to remove the original because of copyright background music.

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