Overall battle Men's Physique at Arnold Classic 2019

Описание к видео Overall battle Men's Physique at Arnold Classic 2019

Overall battle Men's Physique at Arnold Classic 2019. Ali from Belgium wins again the overall. Good job Ali!

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Overall winner: Ali Bila - Belgium "571"
  / bilal.kochey  
  / alihealth_1  

Winner Men's Physique up to 170cm: Ivan Gekov - Russia "562"
  / ivan.gekov  

Winner Men's Physique up to 176cm: Reiner Stimmler - Germany "595"
  / reinerstimmler  

Winner Men's Physique up to 179cm: Daniel Baumann - Denmark "606"
  / danielbaumann_  

Winner Men's Physique up to 182cm: Oleg Danysh - Ukraine "630"
  / olegdanysh  

Winner Men's Physique over 182cm: Sidy Pouye - Spain "652"
  / alboury.ndiaye.798  
  / sidy.pouye  

Event: Arnold Classic Europe
Federation: IFBB
Location: Barcelona, Spain

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