The Art of Architecting for Scale

Описание к видео The Art of Architecting for Scale

Every day, companies struggle to bring great software products to their customers with sufficient speed and efficiency. Especially with an organization's increasing size and complexity, this becomes a significant challenge, and the pace occasionally feels like going against zero. But more than ever, it is precisely this skill of scaling software development efficiently that differentiates thriving companies from less successful ones.

In this talk, I will share some insights on architecting successfully for both: organizational and technical scales. We dive into the balancing act between reuse and autonomy, the tradeoff between simplicity and technical excellence, and the key concepts that allow us to create the architectural foundation that stands the test of constant change. We will further explore why highly available, elastic, and resilient service-based architectures are non-negotiable in delivering customer value at a permanent high pace. But you will also grasp why it rarely seems to work out in our industry.

These differentiators in architecting for scale will become evident after a closer look at the reoccurring challenges and (anti-)patterns we've experienced in real-world projects. Unfortunately, no silver bullet will enable your organization to deliver outstanding software efficiently at scale. Still, this presentation will give you the needed knowledge to start moving in the right direction.

David Leitner, Presenter:


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00:00​​ Start of Streaming
01:30 Intro & Welcome
03:28 Brainfood Talk
54:56​​​​ Q&A Session


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