Alfred Tries To Play: Whip Rush (Sega Mega Drive)

Описание к видео Alfred Tries To Play: Whip Rush (Sega Mega Drive)

The title initially seems completely random given the complete lack of whips in the game until you read the subtitle on the title screen: 2222AD: The Invasion of the Voltegians, which refers to the opening story where a group of exploration spaceships go missing near the planet Voltegeus and a week later an invasion fleet attacks Earth.

This game seems to emphasize the speed feature more than most other shooters featuring one and indeed your speed is also restricted during the underwater section in Stage 2. The game also seems to enjoy changing direction frequently instead of just being a straightforward left to right horizontal shooter. Fine, although the changes of direction can be tricky if your weapons aren't firing the same direction.

Overall, a pretty decent shooter that doesn't feel particularly original, but interesting enough to be a worth a try.


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