පිට් 300gයි සොෆ්ට් පීසා දෙකයි🍕 how to make chicken pizza recipe

Описание к видео පිට් 300gයි සොෆ්ට් පීසා දෙකයි🍕 how to make chicken pizza recipe

පිට් 300gයි සොෆ්ට් පීසා දෙකයි🍕 how to make chicken pizza recipe
how to make a mouthwatering chicken pizza at home with this easy-to-follow recipe. From preparing the perfect pizza dough to topping it with savory chicken, cheese, and flavorful sauce, we've got you covered. your family and friends with this homemade pizza that's sure to become a favorite.that pizza so yammy and super soft.if you like pizza fallow my pizza recipe

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#Chicken Pizza Recipe #Homemade Pizza #
Pizza Toppings #Pizza Dough
00:00 Introduction
00:40 ingredients for pizza dough
01:56 preparing the dough
05:27 ingredients for top
06:21 preparing the tomato paste
07:18 chicken mixture
09:28 make the pizza shape
12:58 add the ingredients top
15:14 bake


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