Extracurricular Project 2.0- Mid Century Modern Walnut Coffee Table

Описание к видео Extracurricular Project 2.0- Mid Century Modern Walnut Coffee Table

Another quick departure from my normal gig of building Teardrop Campers. This was for the same friend I built the M.C.M. Walnut Nightstands for in a previous video...

The drum solo is by Tim Alexander of Primus, and given the shocking amount of negative feedback about MY choice in music, I offer the following public service announcement.

PSA- For those of you who think your musical tastes represent the entire world and who do not like my choice in music, please take a minute to find the volume button/knob on whatever device you are using to view YouTube. Using this volume button technology, one can make the music louder, quieter, or you can even turn the sound all the way off, saving your delicate ears from whatever sounds are causing you discomfort. Every consumer device that can reproduce sound also has the ability to generate no sound, and understanding that concept and knowing how to mute the offensive sound will save you from using your very precious time to write a negative comment about whatever sound is bothering you so much... And for the entitled trolls who think that I should be considering YOUR taste in music over my own, you are as useless as a bag of di*ks without a handle. I put in the work, I get to choose the music, go watch something else. And as for the rest of you, thanks for watching!


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