20 year old German woman given harsher sentence than migrant gang rapist for calling him a ‘pig’

Описание к видео 20 year old German woman given harsher sentence than migrant gang rapist for calling him a ‘pig’

A recent hate crime conviction in Germany really shocked me and showed in stark contrast how Western society holds hate crimes to be much worse than actual crimes - even the gang rape of a child.

A 20 year old woman sent messages to a man who’d taken part in the gang rape calling him a “disgraceful pig” - and incredibly, the woman was given a harsher sentence than the rapist.

She's just one of 140 people being investigated over hate crimes for messaging the rapists, reportedly none of whom was of German origin.

In this video I look at both trials - and show how the reaction to horrific crimes is treated more punitively than the crimes themselves.

This case was widely reported in the media if you'd like to verify: https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/rea...

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