A Look at ISO/IEC 17025:2017 - Section 6.6 - Externally Provided Products and Services

Описание к видео A Look at ISO/IEC 17025:2017 - Section 6.6 - Externally Provided Products and Services

When you are selecting a potential vendor, you are selecting a partner in your business which you will trust to work with you in a professional and profitable manner. It is important that you choose a company that can supply your current and future needs. Section 6.6 combines both purchasing and subcontracting.

This webinar will take a look at requirements for retaining records and having procedural information in regard to your critical suppliers. This includes the basis for qualifications which are needed along with the expanded requirement of monitoring of the performance and re-evaluation of your critical suppliers. Communicating your needs to your supplier will be reviewed along with informing your customer if you will subcontract their tests or calibrations.

Presented by Michael Kramer, PJLA Calibration Program Manager


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