Prehistoric Ruins And Rock Art In The Nevada Desert

Описание к видео Prehistoric Ruins And Rock Art In The Nevada Desert

While studying a topographic map of an area in the Nevada desert I noticed the word 'ruins' and since I was heading out to an area where a spring existed as well as prehistoric rock art in the general area, I thought the 'ruins' could be related.
Once I physically got to the ruins I initially thought what I was looking at was an old stock tank. The more I investigated the more I slowly moved from that idea to thinking that I very well may be in the company of prehistoric ruins. My skepticism moved from stock tank to possibly a pit house or very large roasting pit. The way the pit was constructed took rock farming and arrangement and there were two other examples of this particular ruin. I only noticed one the examples later while on google earth and I could see the remnants exactly near a cave entrance. Very intriguing. And I also discovered a soot covered cave across from the ruins as well as evidence of tool making, flaked obsidian being an example. Add the caves, rock art, and spring and I believe it's all connected.
After the ruins I went and had a look at a panel of pictographs that seemed to be from two different time periods, some of these images depicting people on horseback and other images dating back to a more distant time. A spot worthy of contemplation. Looking forward to returning to the area and further exploring that rugged country.
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Visitation to sites such as this should be done with the utmost respect. The artwork is not simply graffiti, it is a window into the past and it is culturally significant. Please take great care when visiting and observing these places.


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