The Top 10 Pop-offs in FGC and Smash Bros. History

Описание к видео The Top 10 Pop-offs in FGC and Smash Bros. History

A good pop-off is like the icing on the cake of a super-tight, mega-hype reverse-sweep. There's nothing quite so infectious as the uninhibited joy of a fighting game player jumping up and down while hurling insults at the guy he just bodied.

So in honor of this noble FGC tradition, here are our picks for the 10 best pop-offs in fighting game history.

Courtesies (in order of appearance)

Number 10:
Silent Wolf vs. Axe, EVO 2014
Courtesy: EVOLUTION Champoionship Series
   / evo2kvids

Number 9:
Poongko vs. Daigo Umehara
Uploaded by AnimatronicAckbar
   • Daigo VS Poongko @ Evo 2011  

Official EVO Moment #13: Daigo Vs Poongko
Courtesy: EVO
   / evo2kvids  
   • Official Evo 2011 Moment #13 Daigo Vs...  

Number 8:
Ogawazato vs. Woshige, EVO 2015
Courtesy: EVOLUTION Champoionship Series
   / evo2kvids  
   • Evo 2015 - GG Xrd Top 8: Ogawazato vs...

Number 7:
Armada vs Hungrybox
Courtesy: Beyond the Summit
   • Armada vs Hungrybox - Grand Final - S...  

Number 6:
Justin Wong vs NYChrisG, EVO 2014
Courtesy: EVOLUTION Championship Series
   / evo2kvids  
   • Evo 2014: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom ...  

Number 5:
Low Ti3r God vs Viscant
Courtesy: LevelUpSeries
   • Grudge Match Season 4 Premier Low Tie...  

Number 4:
HBox vs. Armada
Courtesy: GamersHQ, Smash ’N’ Splash 3
   • Smash 'N' Splash 3 -  Melee Top 3 - W...  

Number 3:
Infiltration vs. Fuudo, EVO 2016
Courtesy: EVO, Capcom Fighters
   • SFV: RZR Infiltration vs RZR Fuudo - ...  

Download Complete
Courtesy: Capcom Fighters, ESPN, EVO
Uploaded by SteakGames1
   • [SFV] Infiltration.EXE DOWNLOAD.COMPL...  

Number 2:
Tokido vs ClakeyD, SoCal Regionals 2010
Courtesy: LevelUpSeries
   • Socal Regionals 2010 - SSF4 Top 8 - L...  
   • SSFIV - SoCal Regionals: Akuma (Tokid...  

Number 1:

Wolfkrone vs KBrad
Courtesy: Frosty Faustings
  / darkcaringswallowtheringer  

Courtesy: ELEAGUE and TBS
Uploaded by: Ernesto Lopez Jr
   • Wolfkrone tells Kbrad- Who Gives A F#...  

Final Round XX
Courtesy: Capcom Fighters
   • SFV: Wolfkrone vs EG K-Brad - Final R...  

Honourable Mention:
Steve H. Being Steve H.
Courtey: Blackflame
   • Steve H. Being Steve H.  

Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).

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