Strategies & Tactics to Attract Candidates to your Open Jobs

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The current labour market is forcing many companies (if not everyone) to use new ways to find people to hire. In my last two articles and videos ( I covered how to appeal to potential candidates ( who are looking for a change and how to market what you have to offer people ( to build their interest in your company....

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Link to the book CrazyZoo! Know-Thyself Made Easy by Fritz Glaus How well do you know yourself and others? Socrates is famous for the two words know thyself. Having a better understanding of yourself and others is the key to being more effective as a leader and to work well in teams. The book CrazyZoo, Know-Thyself Made Easy by Fritz Glaus you step by step in discovering your classic type of person.

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Find solutions to problems in leading, managing and working with people in the workplace. Tap into your unlimited potential to become the leader, manager and team member that you envision. Stephen Goldberg of Optimus Performance guides you with practical tips and ideas on leadership, team development, and personal performance in the workplace.

Improving the performance and productivity of employees has a direct and positive impact on business results. Optimus Performance delivers programs, tools and services that enable people to tap into their unlimited potential and work smarter. Our products and services are customized for each organization to address specific leadership, management and employee development needs.


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