BedVoyage Bamboo Bedding - The Brand You Can Trust

Описание к видео BedVoyage Bamboo Bedding - The Brand You Can Trust

An interesting thing happened a few weeks ago, and it sort of rocked me. I was on a Zoom call with our factory in India. They were expressing an issue they were having in dying our very deep blue color called Indigo. As BedVoyage only uses 100% Bamboo yarns in our Luxe Bamboo Bedding line, they wanted to do a little hunting expedition and try to learn how other brands were getting their deep intense colors, which are difficult with 100% bamboo. They went to and purchased 14 different sets of bamboo sheets from companies that stated their products were made from 100% bamboo fibers. When they received the 14 sheet sets, they sent fabric swatches out for testing. The results were simply shocking! 12 of the 14 brand’s products were NOT made from 100% bamboo, they were mixed with blends of other types of yarns. Some added cotton, some added cellulose, some Tencel. Some brands’ amount of bamboo yarns was as low as 45%, but they were marketing their products as 100% bamboo, and charging the price for high-end sheets. Where I come from, that is simply called lying. Some may be gentler and say it’s just misleading, but if a customer cannot trust what the product is made of, what else is the company lying about? The reason these brands added additional fibers is because the dye will saturate more deeply when other yarns are blended with bamboo. BedVoyage has always only used 100% bamboo yarns in our Luxe Bamboo line. It’s more expensive, it’s harder for the mills to work with, but it offers the most cooling effects for the sleeper, and that is our entire goal. We set out as a brand to offer the highest quality yet affordable, extremely cooling luxury 100% bamboo bedding on the market.

I know a lot of companies can easily say they pride themselves on this or that, and many may truly mean it, while others just want you to believe that about them. Deceptive business practices are not only hurting the customers; they can also harm the industry by giving a bad name to (in this instance) bamboo bedding companies. It can put doubt in the customer's minds, ‘For this price, is this really bamboo? And are all the things they claim on their website true?’ 100% Bamboo is NOT an easy fabric to work with. The fibers are very fine and silky, which creates a slippery surface for the workers who cut and sew our linens. It can also be finicky when it comes to dying, and our mills have had to scrap large quantities of woven fabrics when the dye does not take properly. But we still persevere in offering certified 100% bamboo because of the cooling benefits. So many people sleep hot, and ‘cooling sheets’ is one of the most searched terms for bedding. We set out to offer a product that can help alleviate night sweats, hot flashes, and a poor night’s sleep, as well as being indescribably luxuriously soft. For many; the cooler the better when sleeping!


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