Our DREAM TANKS Realized Setting up 150 and 210 Gallon Aquariums

Описание к видео Our DREAM TANKS Realized Setting up 150 and 210 Gallon Aquariums

Whew!!! When the Holidays are around, time flies!! But that hasn't changed our ability to continue to make pretty big changes in our fish rooms. Our LFS (Nova Tropicals) recently closed, and as sad as that is, we were lucky enough to both get Two New Large Aquariums. Will with a new 150 South American Setup and Mike with a 210 Gallon South American Setup of his own. In today's video we'll both take you that the processes we used to break down old aquariums, making room for the new Tanks! We hope you all enjoy!

#aquarium #cichlid #fish #southamericancichlids #africancichlids #mentalhealth


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