[Wii] Sonic Colors - Final Boss and Ending

Описание к видео [Wii] Sonic Colors - Final Boss and Ending

Comments disabled because of all you brain-dead 13-year-old no-Super-Sonic/voice-actor-recast/etc. whining monkey pigs from the most immature spawns of Teh Internets who have decided to infest my turf... the turf of a man who has very low tolerance for idiots. And trust me, this is only the second time I ever had to do this after this one 3 years ago:    • MUGEN: Sentinel vs. Sephiroth  
You wanna bitch like the retarded manbearpigs you truly are deep down in your souls, do so here:    • Sonic Colors Final Boss MAJOR SPOILER...  

Eggman breaks the trend here by being the last obstacle between you and sweet victory rather than some oversized reptilian creature or supergodly being of darkness or whachamalit, and he's brought one hell of a difficulty spike with his latest machine that looks like it could have appeared in Transformer Prime (...not keeping up with the news with that? Lemme sum its CGI art style up for you: detailled alien style of Bayformers + smooth, expressive style of Transformers Animated + a blender + The Rock as part of the main cast - Baysplosions - chins = Prime. OK, that equation was longer than asked.)

I can't recount the lives I spent dying on this purple fella, so lemme sum it quick: you can't recover any rings dropped, you can only vanquish him when he's up close and personal to you, and he'll make your life hell by bombarding you with barrages of purple lasers, purple spike balls and GameCube (preferably the ReBoot kind because as we know, Ken Pontac, one of this game's two writers alongside Warren Graff, wrote ReBoot's Season 3 finale AND the lyrics for that "You Are A Pirate" song. And now you know!... and don't tell me I'm not educational.) And the more he gets trashed, the faster he'll send them.

And that finishing attack would make Kamen Rider Double CycloneJokerXtreme proud. Speaking of Double and this game... I'll get back to it later. Perhaps.

And with this wild ride of third-dimensional redemption over, look out for the next few weeks for as I promised, I'll be archiving my exploits on Donkey Kong Country Returns. And make you and I suffer (perhaps) with Doctor Who: Return To Earth, because my inner fanboy feels compelled 'cause the nerdgasm of "Death of the Doctor" wasn't enough. And I'll shut my yap up---

Oh wait, I still have the (interactive) credits to go through.


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