Will Palau Be Next To Drop Ties With Taiwan for China? | Taiwan Talks EP314

Описание к видео Will Palau Be Next To Drop Ties With Taiwan for China? | Taiwan Talks EP314

At the time of recording, Ukraine is not the only country awaiting funds from the U.S. that are being held up in Congress. Three tiny Pacific Island countries known as the Freely Associated States, Palau, Micronesia and the Marshall Islands, have been waiting for the renewal of the “Compact of Free Association." Why are these agreements so important and what does their delay means for the region, for Taiwan and for the United States?

Our guests:
Lu Yeh-chung
Vice dean, National Chengchi University College of International Affairs

Vincent Chao
Taipei City Councilor (DPP)

From Washington, D.C.
Cleo Paskal
Senior non-resident fellow of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies

From Koror, Palau
Kambes Kesolei
Editor and journalist at Tia Belau

#Taiwantalks #Taiwan #Pacific #Palau #COFA


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