SPRING BREAK weekend in my life // san diego trip

Описание к видео SPRING BREAK weekend in my life // san diego trip

hey guys! this is my spring break vacation vlog in san diego. i brought you guys along for a weekend in my life. i did fun things like going to brunch with my friend and visiting college campuses like sdsu (san diego state university) and ucsd (university of california san diego). i hope you guys enjoyed coming with me for the weekend and seeing what my life looked like during spring break! lemme know what other videos you guys wanna see :)

insta: @laurinhwang or   / laurinhwang  
tiktok: @laurinhwang or   / laurinhwang   and @laurfestmolang or   / laurfestmolang  
snap: @laurin_hwang
business email: [email protected]

my clothes!
depop: @laurinhwang https://depop.com/laurinhwang
curtsy: laurin hwang or https://heycurtsy.com/usUVLAM0F1
poshmark: @laurin_hwang or https://posh.mk/XSLn7wgwh6

Music by HOAX - Beach House - https://thmatc.co/?l=CF5949FC
Music by ninjoi. - Passin [Thematic Exclusive] - https://thmatc.co/?l=CE832BD5

sub count: 15.8k ILY ALL

tags: weekend in my life,weekend vlog,spring break,spring break 2021,spring break vlog,spring break miami,san diego vlog,san diego vacation,vacation vlog,spring break vacation vlog,spring break vlog 2021,weekend in my life vlog,weekend in my life 2021,a weekend in my life,a productive weekend in my life,a weekend in my life vlog,productive weekend in my life,week in my life,week in my life vlog


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