Fragging Scoly Coral (and 2000 others a week!)

Описание к видео Fragging Scoly Coral (and 2000 others a week!)

In this final video from my trip to Monsoon Aquatics in Bundaberg, I get to spend some time with Sam - the professional fragger.

Sam keeps up with demand at the facility by producing 400-500 frags of coral a day by fragging some mother colonies and also some frags that have gone full circle and get cut again for second, third and even more generations of coral.

Fragging scold corals is something fairly new to the reef keeping scene and Monsoon Aquatics, a leader in the space are willing to share some of their tips and tricks with the rest of us.

For more information or contact details for Monsoon Aquatics, be sure to visit their site at:


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