supernatural | kevin tran's story

Описание к видео supernatural | kevin tran's story

→ "it is not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices..."

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So, this dedication is a bit more... emotional. A lot of people don't understand what it is about Kevin that I like, other than him being the kind of comedy outlet in the last few episodes. I want this video to show what it is Kevin actually goes through. He goes from this normal guy whose only stress in life is getting through exams, and then suddenly, he's yanked into the world of the supernatural. He's threatened, held captive, has his family used as a tool for blackmail, is locked up in a building full of monsters knowing there's nothing he can do to stop them from trying to take over the world, and god... I can't even begin to understand how difficult everything must have been for him. Towards the end of the video, I tried to show how he goes from this trembling, terrified boy to this strong, hunter material. My favourite line is 'More chompers any second, Sam', simply because - when you think about it - he's only been with Sam and Dean less than a week, and he's speaking their lingo, putting the world before himself even though he's terrified ('we've gotta blow up the lab, Sam') (listening in to Dick's meeting, even though he risks being caught). He's just a fantastic character.

Well, I hope you all liked the video, and I hope you end up liking Kevin's character as much as I did!

- b e x

SONG: The Cinematic Orchestra - To Build a Home Instrumental
PROGRAM: Sony Vegas 9.0
FANDOM: Supernatural


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