Noctis x Tifa | Your Heart [GMV]

Описание к видео Noctis x Tifa | Your Heart [GMV]

-If you need me, look into your heart.

I'm super happy with how this GMV turned out for me. I had a few little problems choosing the scenes but in the end I love the result. I need to go back to editing images of Tifa in AC because she looks beautiful.
I want to thank @Sora-hp2db for asking me for a GMV with this song. I love it and the artist as well. Many of his songs are totally Noctifa so I will surely use more of them.

Story: Noctis is wandering in the abyss after being swallowed by the crystal as it happens in FFXV. It is at that moment that his existence intersects with that of Tifa, who desires someone to love... And who loves her.
Noctis arrives in her world without memories but with insufferable headaches and visions that make him lose his sanity at times. During the time he spends with Tifa, he falls madly in love with her and she with him... But when Noctis remembers again, he must leave. He cannot abandon his friends, his father and his world.
The years pass and Noctis fulfills his mission in his world. It is then that he can return to Tifa.
The question is, does he really return to her or is it just a dream? It's up to you.
I cry 🤧

Song: Your Heart by Damien Dawn 🫧


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