Baby from San Diego's first televised C-section from 1953 lived a 'good life'

Описание к видео Baby from San Diego's first televised C-section from 1953 lived a 'good life'

CBS 8 shows archive footage of cesarean birth to 69-year-old Earl Wentworth for first time.

CBS 8 was San Diego's first television station which meant our cameras often captured San Diego County history in the making. On October 21, 1953, CBS 8 televised the first cesarean birth in San Diego history. In this Zevely Zone, I tracked down the special baby born that day. Cesarean births these days are quite common in the United States, by some estimates more than one million babies a year are born by C-section a year, but back in 1953, Earl Wentworth's birth was big news.



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