Hawaiian War Chant

Описание к видео Hawaiian War Chant

I tried to find the lyrics and generally trace the roots of this song. Its original version was written by Hawaiian Prince William Pitt Leleiohoku II, it was called "Kāua I Ka Huahuaʻi" ("We Two in the Spray") and it was about love. In 1936, a new version emerged: "Ta-Hu-Wa-Ha-Hai" (in English it is called "Hawaiian War Chant" - I'm not sure this is a direct translation of the Hawaiian title) written in cooperation with Johnny Noble. The lyrics have changed, part was in English, the song premiered in "Ship Ahoy" - a musical-comedy-romance 1942 movie from MGM. As I understood, BAO took a Hawaiian part of the lyrics for their performance, they go like this (repeated many times):

Tahuwai la a tahuwai wai la
Ehu hene la a pili koo lua la
Pututui lu a ite toe la
Hanu lipo ita paalai

Au we ta huala
Au we ta huala

Google translates them like this:

Bless them and bless the waters
It has about four days
Put them on again
Smooth lipo

We can do it
We can do it

Maybe in the BAO performance there were some other verses too.

By the way, I saw BAO again in Stockholm in August 2019, they were incredible as ever and they of course sang this song. You can find my several videos from this concert here:    • BAO  , and my photos here: https://just-tom.livejournal.com/8374...


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