Today I got 12 DOUBLE YOLK EGGS with |TWO YOLKs. How is this possible?

Описание к видео Today I got 12 DOUBLE YOLK EGGS with |TWO YOLKs. How is this possible?

Today I found 12 eggs with DOUBLE YOLK |TWO YOLKs. How is this possible?

One of the things that farmers who keep commercial layers are really concerned about is abnormalities in egg production. An egg is considered to be abnormal if it has internal defects or if its shell is different from what is normally expected. There are a number of egg abnormalities which are caused by a host of factors. Discussed below are some of the most common forms of abnormalities in egg production.

One of the most frequent egg abnormalities is an egg with no shell. Usually such eggs have an intact membrane but do not have the shell. The shell can be missing either in its entirety or in part. Normally young pullets whose reproductive system is yet to fully develop and function are more likely to lay eggs with no shell. Also insufficient calcium in the feed of the layers can cause this abnormality in egg production.

An egg with double yolk is yet another common example of an abnormal egg. It so happens that a hen lays an egg with two yolks as opposed to one. This rare phenomenon occurs when the layer releases not one but two eggs into the oviduct. When this happens the released eggs are housed within the same shell resulting into an egg that is relatively large.
Moreover, it so happens that a hen can lay an egg that has another egg inside. This occurs when an egg that is ready to be laid goes back to the magnum where the process of egg formation starts all over again on its membrane. The result of this process is that one egg is included in another egg.

Soft-shelled egg is yet another example of an abnormality in egg production. When one egg has taken too long to complete its process of formation it may cause the hen to lay an egg whose shell is softer than usual. Additionally, insufficient calcium which is important in egg formation may cause a bird to lay an egg with a soft shell.  / lamwa-vetcare-302725856601646  

Lastly, very small and mostly yolkless eggs also fall under the examples of abnormalities in egg production. Notably, pullets are more likely to produce such eggs. Also when layers are under stressor and their reproductive system is disrupted they become prone to laying yolkless or very small eggs.

If you would like to understand more about how you can grow your;

1. Poultry farming
2. Pig farming
3. Dairy and beef farming
4. Feeds formulation
5. Dogs and Cats management

You should contact us for professional consultation. We assure you we shall be with you throughout this journey in managing your livestock to ensure a PROFITABLE AGRIBUSINESS.

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