
Описание к видео 【津軽じょんから節】浅野祥

2021.2.14 焼津文化会館でのコンサートの際に演奏した「津軽じょんから節 曲弾き」を公開させていただきます。

今日は2021.3.11 あれから10年が経ちました。

#浅野祥 #津軽じょんから節 #津軽三味線

  / asanosho  

  / shoasano32  

  / shoasano32  

Official Website

【SHO’s Profile in English】
▶︎ http://sho-asano.com/en/biography/pro...

Asano is a proudly independent Tsugaru Shamisen solo performer who pursues spreading the charm of Tsugaru Shamisen to a boarder audience through original folk songs and classical arts.

In 2004 when he was 14, Asano was the youngest person to win the highest rank A level of the Tsugaru Shamisen World Convention and won three consecutive years, 2004 thru 2006. As a result of Asano's musical acumen, he was inducted into Tsugaru Shamisen's Hall of Fame.

In 2007, Asano, then 17, major debuted for Victor Entertainment.
Asano has performed with a variety of artists, in performance styles not confined to genres such as Classic, Rock, Jazz, Pops, Flamenco.

In his professional career he has worked with world-class musicians such as the great jazz bassist, Will Lee, jazz star drummer, Marcus Gilmore, and two-time Grammy award winner, clarinet player, Richard Stoltzman.

Asano maintains a busy concert schedule performing well-attended concerts in Japan as well as international concerts in the United States, Europe, Canada and other Asian countries.


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