Coronation Street - Faye Parts (2013) Part 34

Описание к видео Coronation Street - Faye Parts (2013) Part 34

As Owen has Faye in her arms Faye tells Owen she's sorry and Owen tells her it's not her fault, Faye pulls away and tells Owen he's mad at her, Owen says he's not mad at her as he's upset that something bad would of happened to her, Owen asks her if she's been staying at home alone all week Faye says yes and Owen asks her if she just about got off to school, Faye says yes and Owen also asks what she's been eating, an upset Faye tells him anything she could find, Owen tells her why didn't see say anything, Anna would of loved to see her, Owen also says he could get her back to the Windass household and tell Anna everything, Faye refuses as she claims she's been okay and her dad will be home soon, Owen explains to her she has to go home, doesn't want Anna to no anything, Owen explains he can't keep it from her and a scared Faye doesn't want Anna to be mad at her Owen explains all she'll want to do is give her a cuddle and make her some food, Owen suggests what she could eat and Faye agree's to go with him.

Back at the Windass household, Owen tells Anna he promised Faye that she wouldn't be mad with her, Anna asks if he just left her in the flat alone, Owen buts in by saying Faye would like some food, Faye tells Owen she doesn't mind and Owen says yes she does, Anna asks if he knew she was alone, Faye says no and Anna asks where did he think, Faye tells her she told him she was going to stay there, Anna asks her why didn't she and Faye tells her she thought she was angry with her, Owen says again he promised her Anna wouldn't be angry with her, Anna asks when she rang her Tim wasn't there, Faye says yes and Owen tells Anna to leave it. Anna asks Faye when was the last time she washed her hair, Faye says she don't know and Anna says she don't no either, Anna tells her to go upstairs for a shower and she'll make her some tea, even if she's not hungry or not. Anna hugs Faye and she's angry.

Later, Anna's annoyed as Tim's not answering his phone, Owen thinks it's best he never does and that's him gone forever, Anna says not before she tells him for leaving Faye alone, Owen says to be fair, but Ana buts in and says to be fair what, Owen says he didn't know she was living on her own as he thought he was with her as Faye said, Anna doesn't believe Faye and Owen tells Anna he does, Anna says Faye is lying to protect Tim, Anna argues with Owen saying Tim left Faye alone because he didn't care, Owen says she doesn't know that, Anna points out he's not fit to look after a goldfish, never mind a young girl, Owen says he's not denying that and Anna says if he dd deny it they would fall out, Anna also asks where he is, Owen says in Newcastle and Anna tells Owen Jason's back as she's seen him and asks Owen you tell her where he is.

Anna storms around to Jason's house asking where his so called friend is, the one who abandoned his daughter and turned her world upside down, Jason doesn't know and Anna asks for the truth, Jason finally comes out and says he's met a women in Newcastle, they've hit it off and he's staying there longer, Anna's more furious.

Anna walks in telling Owen he hasn't come back as he's in Newcastle with a women, Owen's not happy, Anna tells Owen she was in two minds but now she hopes Tim never comes back, Owen agrees. Faye takes one of her headphones out and asks if they're talking about Tim, Anna says yes and points out he's not back from Newcastle yet, Owen asks if she spoke to him on the phone at all, Faye says he texts her a few times, Anna asks what and Faye says he asked if she's okay and he's misses her, Anna says he would be and Faye puts her headphones back on and eats her tea.

Paying the taxi driver money, Tim arrives back in Weatherfield with his suitcase, he goes back to his flat.

Anna and Owen look at Faye as she's on the phone, Faye says she at her mum's where she's been all week, Owen asks who is she talking to and Anna says be quiet as she's trying to listen in, Faye says she'll go back now, Anna walks up to Faye asking if that's her dad, Faye says yes and Anna says give her the phone, Anna tries snatching it but Owen stops her, Owen says he'll go try talk to him but Anna thinks she should be the one speaking to him and Owen says he doesn't want a big public row and Anna says she quite likes that as the whole street can hear what he's got to say for himself, Faye speaks to Tim in the background saying it's just the TV, Anna says she's not happy as he's abandoned his own daughter to stay with a women he met, Anna storms out the door and Owen tries to stop her but she's gone, Faye asks what she's on about a women, Owen says he'll tell her later, he also tells her to stay there and chases after Anna, Faye carries on talking to Tim saying she's still there and she's fine, but Anna's going over, Faye's worried.


PART 35:    • Coronation Street - Faye Parts (2013)...  
Clips belong to ITV, video put together by me.


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