Soyuz Launcher Without a Preamp

Описание к видео Soyuz Launcher Without a Preamp

Although the Soyuz Launcher was designed to be used in tandem and powered by another microphone preamp, a whole new world of possibilities opens up when it's paired with an external phantom power supply.

In this Experiment Day video, we'll take a listen to an acoustic guitar through the new Lewitt 1040 microphone going through an API preamp. We'll then compare that by pairing the API preamp with the Launcher, as well as sending the Launcher strait to our converters and making up the gain inside our DAW.

We'll also take the Launcher (paired with the Rolls phantom power supply) and send it into a HendyAmps Pollock tube compressor as a secondary color source and utilize the makeup gain stage of the compressor to give us a stronger signal into our converters.


00:00 Intro Description
01:54 Launcher without Preamp
03:11 Compressor Description
05:18 Launcher into Compressor


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