Dr. Bruce Hollis - Vitamin D, Prostate Cancer and Health Disparities

Описание к видео Dr. Bruce Hollis - Vitamin D, Prostate Cancer and Health Disparities

with Bruce W. Hollis, Ph.D., Professor of Pediatrics, College of Medicine Medical University of South Carolina

Topic: Prostate Cancer Positive Core Biopsies Reduced with Vitamin D
By: Dr. Bruce Hollis

Event date: 3/19/13

Refer to Dr. Hollis' published work, "Vitamin D3 Supplementation at 4000 International Units Per Day for One Year Results in a Decrease of Positive Cores at Repeat Biopsy in Subjects with Low-Risk Prostate Cancer under Active Surveillance," (http://www.grassrootshealth.net/media...) for more information on this topic. In this study, the average serum level of the 4000 IU/day group was 67 ng/ml. The dose and level were safe.

Webinar presented by GrassrootsHealth.


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