Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!

Описание к видео Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!
One of the benefits of posting a video months after it was shot is I can give and update on the rescue, and I am very happy to report, this hive is thriving.

I am very apprehensive to do a removal during the summer months because the survival rate of the hive is very low, and this is due primarily because the main nectar flow is over and secondarily, the chances of hive beetles over running the colony are very high. To offset these two major obstacles, I feed the bees honey, and I did not use any of the comb that was original to the hive. Giving the bees honey instead of sugar water gives the bees the extra nutrients that honey possess and plain sugar water does not, and by not using any of the honey soaked comb in the new bee box, there was no threat of the beetle larva hatching out as all the comb I gave them had been frozen previously to kill any beetle eggs.

The process itself of making the bees accept the new box and abandon their old hive is pretty simple, I use old comb that has bee smell to it, all the equipment is old and possesses the same smell, and finally, I add a few drops of lemongrass oil in the box to get them to start running in the box. I also initially grab a few handfuls of bees and drop them in the box to get the ball rolling as well. Of course, the real trick to seal the deal, is to find and capture the queen. If you can catch her and get her into the box, all the bees will follow suit. Another trick I used on this removal is I used my smoker to chase the bees. I really don't like using smoke around the bees, but in this situation, it proves very useful in herding the bees along the way.

I know one of the questions that will be asked after watching the video is why did I not use the bee vac. The great thing about using the vac, it makes short work of a removal. If all the bees are in one spot and not flying all over creation, the vac is the tool for the job. However, if you are working out in the open, and bees are flying in every direction, the vac will not capture all the bees, and that is the main goal, to get ALL the bees. So, in situations like this, my plan is to leave the box at least overnight to allow all the bees to find and fix on the new hive. Plus, by allowing the bees to walk into the hive, it reduces the stress they have incurred during the removal.

Well, that should give you enough background info on this rescue mission, so it's time to click that start button and see the latest posting from Studio Bee Productions. God's peace to all.
Mr. Ed


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