Channel Islands Dumpster Diver 2 Surfboard Review

Описание к видео Channel Islands Dumpster Diver 2 Surfboard Review

One of the most eagerly awaited boards of 2024 the Channel Islands Dumpster Diver 2 is a classic shortboard that is going to let you rip as hard as you think you do!
With a wider nose and tail, more nose and tail rocker, a subtle single concave and built in white spinetek technology this modernised version of the DD2 will excel in a far wider range of conditions than the original. Watch Scotty's breakdown of this epic Dane Reynolds board to learn more and as always any questions don't hesitate to get in touch.


"The idea for a new Dumpster Diver came when riding the original version whilst filming for the movie “out of the rafters”.

Created when I had Al shape me a short stubby board for a trip that I loved and when I came home I wanted to use it in a comp. Back then there was still a weird stigma with riding ‘Fishy’ boards in a surf comp so Al redid the short stubby board but disguised it with a shortboard nose, I believe with the short timeline and wanting epoxy they happened to find the right blank in the dumpster, a discarded blemish… not sure who actually named it that but it was on the stringer.

When I revisited that original dumpster during ‘out of the rafters’ I was blown away that I rode that in a comp and had any success as the shortboard nose on a 5’7” made it insanely short, like an infants board! I asked Britt to create a modernized so the DD2 has a wider nose and tail, more nose and tail rocker, and a more subtle single concave. These updates, among other tweaks, allow the board to excel in a wider range of conditions and letting your rip as hard as you think you do."

Dean Reynolds


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