PAPAJI - One day of the Master (Documentary)

Описание к видео PAPAJI - One day of the Master (Documentary)

This devotional film shot in 1995, documents one day in the life of Papaji and features many intimate moments of Papaji in his house and during his daily activities such as going for his early morning walk, buying vegetables, replying letters and celebrating birthdays. The film also includes Papaji eating by the dining table while many people welcomed into his house are offered food. We see Papaji driving to and from satsang and some highlights from satsang.
Interspersed with some of the footage are fine observations and essential quotes from Papaji.
The beautiful music score is from the CD ‘Be a Lion’, which features devotional songs to Papaji by Yashodhra, Suresha, Satya, Sangeeta, Kavita & Kali.

Videos, Books and Audio Cds of Papaji are available in India at Papaji Satsang Bhavan: and in the US and rest of the world at Papaji Avadhuta Foundation:


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