The Truth on Attracting your Soulmate (and how to do it)

Описание к видео The Truth on Attracting your Soulmate (and how to do it)

"Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron, and I help people expand their consciousness. Now, this video, I'm going to be explaining to you the truth on attracting your soulmate, and what I really want to do is clarify a definition for the way we define that to be to understand a couple ideas. For me at least, I used to have one perception as to what this was, and my way that I define it has shifted over the years. I want to explain to you why you are already 100% whole and complete.
"I want to say that when you get to this point to where you feel 100% whole and complete, and that when you start to do what you love to do, when you start to follow your passion and really exist in the core expression of who you are, there's more likelihood that you'll meet the person that resonates with that version of you.
"Now, for me, this was something that I went through because I used to have the perspective that we meet that one person that's our soulmate. It's the person that completes the other half of who we are, and we combine forces, and we become that one being that we were meant to be, but over the years, I've shifted that because I realized that having that perspective and even having that belief could be limiting because then, we put the power outside of ourselves to fulfill us. It's like I would put the expectation on someone else to make me feel a certain level of worthiness, a certain level of validation, a certain level of love, and really, nobody can do that outside of ourselves.
"Now, the paradox is that once we begin to really love ourself, it's like there's more possibility that we're going to attract the person that loves us because we are feeling that emotional ready, so we're going to attract somebody else that is giving that and that is putting that out there. What I think the most powerful thing that we could do is realize that if we're like, for example, doing a job that we don't really like doing, that we just go into get a paycheck, the likelihood of us meeting our soulmate is a lot less because we are not being the best version of ourself or even the most expressive version of what we love to do.
"We're more likely to attract to our being in that moment, and that might be somebody that also doesn't love the job that they're doing or that has maybe even a similar mindset that they need somebody else outside of themselves to make them happy, and then of course, this is where you get into like a relationship. If you've ever read like The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, he talks about the idea of pain-body, and it's when we begin to mess with somebody else. It's like then, we put an expectation for certain emotions, and then it becomes like a thing that doesn't really meshes well.

"Now, realizing that we're already 100% whole and complete, and that if we get to find our purpose and to do what we love to do, that is the key to attracting somebody else that also resonates with that version of ourselves, so we need to get to the core of ourselves and find out who that is. Now, when I say who that is, just find out that version of you as you begin to live that, as you begin to take action and do things you're excited about, and just express yourself by taking out the filter of who you think you need to be. You'll find that you then attract somebody that reflects that back.

"Now, the way that I think about soulmates is I think that we are already 100% whole and complete, and that we can have a very deep connection with somebody else who is also whole and complete, but it becomes a reflection more than anything else, a reflection of wholeness more so than a reflection of, "This is my half, and that's your half, and we combine to make whole." It's more of wholeness, wholeness, powerful wholeness together, and it's more about that idea.

"Now, the way that you get there and the way that you find that is by, first off, finding it within yourself. Realize that you are already whole and complete. Even that like thought that we begin to plant inside ourselves right now that we are already 100% whole and complete will start to give us reflections and knowing that we can generate our state from within, that every time we do something we love to do, we're performing an act of self-love, that we're doing things that we actually enjoy, and the more we do that, the more momentum we gain to where then we are becoming that person, that core essence of who we are. Then, we're more likely to actually attract that into our lives.

"It's almost like we have to have a full cup before we can share with anyone else. If we're half a cup, there's not really enough to go to the other person, and it doesn't really work because it's not a one-on-one reflection. It becomes something to where we need something outside of ourselves, and we'll always put that expectation on someone else, but then we externalize our power, and nobody can make us really...

This video is about The truth on Attracting your Soulmate


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