Lets Put the Breaks On Perfectionism

Описание к видео Lets Put the Breaks On Perfectionism

Today, let's put the brakes on perfectionism. We all know that chasing perfectionism eludes us from joy and happiness because we're always pursuing an unattainable goal. What if we stopped chasing? It's not the way to find joy and happiness. Joy and happiness are already within us; it all depends on where we put our focus.

A simple way to shift our focus is with the acronym T.R.Y. Now, I'm not suggesting you try harder or do more. I'm simply saying, today, T.R.Y.
T stands for Today, R stands for Redirect, and Y stands for Your Thoughts. Each and every day, I choose to redirect my thoughts for good. I focus on the positive because, as the National Science Foundation teaches us, the average human being has about 60,000 thoughts a day, and 80% of them are negative. We have to actively redirect our thoughts in any situation and any relationship.

By starting to focus on the good things happening, you'll break free from the perfectionism that makes you feel like you're not enough. You'll realize that you're doing better than you think. Go embrace this idea and T.R.Y. today!

It's a little one-word acronym: T.R.Y. stands for Today Redirect Your Thoughts for Good.

As a recovering perfectionist myself, I know this can be a daily battle. When we compare ourselves to others, we always lose. When we think, “I’ll try a little harder,” our minds often take us to comparing ourselves to someone else. But if I just say, "I am going to T.R.Y.," I can drop back into looking at who I am and compare myself to who I was yesterday. And if I want to improve on something, I T.R.Y.

To redirect your thoughts for good, start noticing when you’re thinking negatively and TRY to shift. Just become aware to this will make such a difference. Redirect your thoughts to something positive just for that day, not for the rest of your life—just for that day. It’s a daily practice. The more you practice it, the more it will change your life!


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