Part-3: Dataloaders for different scenarios of data augmentation in PyTorch

Описание к видео Part-3: Dataloaders for different scenarios of data augmentation in PyTorch

In this video, we will cover scenario-3 where we will code out the data loader for class-specific data augmentation for increasing the dataset size of the selective class. Like the previous video, we will create a different custom collate function for our data loader in PyTorch.
The introduction and scenario 1 is covered in video -1:    • Part-1: Dataloaders for different sce...  

The scenario-2 is in the second video:

   • Part-2: Dataloaders for different sce...  


Different Augmentations using transformations:

Dogs-vs-cats dataset:

#DeepLearning #PyTorch #Dataloaders in Pytorch #Data Augmentation in Pytorch #DataAugmentation #Augmentation for increasing dataset size
#Custom Collate Function in PyTorch


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