Native American sculptures found hunting arrowheads Texas Head and Horse intricate art

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I can't believe what I found! Literally a once in a lifetime find and I am still in shock. Not only one statue but two! I have been spending all of my free time off of work searching for native american arrowheads over the past month on various creeks and rivers around Texas and have found several cool artifacts. I never thought in a million years I would find anything like this. I recently learned that Indians in TX would paint and engrave rocks and stones with their artwork since we don't have many caves. I first found a little rock with yellow dots all over it which brought me to research this and when I learned of it I was so fascinated that I started looking for big interesting pieces of chert wherever I would search for points and artifacts. The indian head was found buried upside down with just the neck sticking out. It was all corroded so I didn't notice anything besides the fact that I liked the colors. Once I scrubbed it down I couldnt believe what I was seeing. a huge indian head statue. A few days later I found another big blueish rock that seemed heavier than normal rocks. I could barely make out engravings all over it though it was all white with corrosion. It took a few days of soaking in vinegar and scrubbing hard with a drill in order to finally make out this awesome image which appears to be a horse on one side and a chief type of indian with the feather hat on the other side. It has intricate paleo looking artwork all over the entire surface of the statue. I thank God for revealing these awesome artifacts and am in so much shock and stoked about finding them. I could barely find a scraper just a month ago but I have learned so much and feel blessed to possibly find a part of history. I am not sure if the horse is native american or spanish or what but I found the head not far away from it so thats why I am thinking it might be native american. Anyways not sure I will ever be able to top this awesome video but thanks for watching and please subscribe if you would like to see my finds going forward. I had an awesome day yesterday as well and am working on getting that video out as soon as possible.



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