台灣高級豪華的中醫診所 🤯 台南人也太幸福了吧!美國人第一次看到不相信❌ Tour of Taiwan's Elite Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic!

Описание к видео 台灣高級豪華的中醫診所 🤯 台南人也太幸福了吧!美國人第一次看到不相信❌ Tour of Taiwan's Elite Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic!

你會看中醫嗎?有做過針灸或三九貼嗎?今天跟我一起看看台灣最高級的中醫診所:馬光中醫診所 ‪@Ma-kuangTw‬


Do you regularly visit a traditional Chinese medicine clinic? Have you tried acupuncture or any of the other treatments featured in this video? Come along with me today to check out Taiwan's high-end traditional medicine clinic: Ma-Kuang!
They've recently opened their newest branch in Tainan, if you have the chance you ought to check it out! It's right next to the Chuan Mei Theater❤️

✳This video is made in collaboration with Ma-Kuang✳

⚠️None of the contents of this video should be taken as medical advice. Please consult your own doctor to figure out what treatment is best for you.

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【崔璀璨 Tristan H.】
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