Eowyn - Set Free - feat. Nikko Custodio

Описание к видео Eowyn - Set Free - feat. Nikko Custodio

One person can make a lasting difference on someone else. Truly… God can use YOU to bring about freedom in someone else’s life! You just have to be willing to be used.

Also, if you have felt a struggle within you...no matter how long it has been....GOD CAN and WILL SET YOU FREE! All you have to do is turn to HIM!

Buy SET FREE now at iTunes, Amazon, or go to www.eowynmusic.com to purchase "Just Believe" the album.

Actors: Nikko Custodio, Jatajh Williamson, Lelee & Nick Ratajski, Sarah Dowdy, Veronika Angeles and all the amazing "extra's."


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