396Hz Root Chakra- Important for Security, Satisfaction, Comfort and Grounding.

Описание к видео 396Hz Root Chakra- Important for Security, Satisfaction, Comfort and Grounding.

396Hz Root Chakra - Important for Security, Satisfaction, Comfort and Grounding

http://aff.blueemeraldalchemy.com/359... (Best ORMUS- Monoatomic Gold)http://aff.blueemeraldalchemy.com/359... (Best ORMUS - Monoatomic Liquid and Powdered Gold)
PRODUCTS - Since 1997, I've made over fifty different deeply esoteric alchemy types, using ingredients as exotic as bee venom, the structural components of ant colonies, squid, black sands and pine sap, to say nothing of all the noble metals, cobalt, tin, zinc and copper, and others. What you'll find here are famously super quality, both in product and people, and our customer service is unparalleled.

There aren't many working in this domain today, if any, who know why alchemists throughout time kept bee colonies, kept facilities on soda springs, for what they used peacock feathers, or granite keyways on specific angles. I do know, however, and it's because of my contact into those times.

ALCHEMY ITSELF - High alchemy has one purpose: to bridge the higher to the lower, and the lower to the higher, and to make this wondrous physical vessel we're presently occupying be the place those two planes meet, in the perfect union of matter and spirit. To effect that union, your internal world, the subconscious, the emotional and mental bodies, must be pure. That's what we do: purify you.

CLEAR & BALANCE - Your wellbeing, thriving and transformation is all that matters to us, and we're very good at delivering the goods.

AWAKENING - We've awakened thousands, many with us for fifteen years or longer, all high level people who'd tell you everything we make is uniformly excellent.


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