Описание к видео IAS 41 AGRICULTURE

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IAS 41 Agriculture is an accounting standard issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) that provides guidance on the accounting treatment and reporting of agricultural activities. This standard outlines the principles and criteria for recognizing, measuring, and disclosing agricultural assets, as well as agricultural produce at the point of harvest. Here is a brief description of IAS 41 Agriculture:

IAS 41 Agriculture sets forth the accounting rules specifically tailored to agricultural activities, which encompass a wide range of activities related to the cultivation of biological assets, such as crops, livestock, and forestry. It establishes guidelines for distinguishing between agricultural produce (the harvested product) and agricultural biological assets (living plants and animals), with a primary focus on their fair value determination and subsequent presentation in financial statements.

Key elements of IAS 41 include:

Recognition of Biological Assets: The standard provides principles for recognizing biological assets at their fair value at the time of initial recognition. This includes the recognition of costs directly attributable to bringing the biological assets to a condition suitable for harvest, such as planting, nurturing, and maintaining the assets.

Measurement: IAS 41 introduces the concept of fair value measurement for biological assets, emphasizing the importance of regularly assessing and revaluing these assets to reflect their changing value over time. Fair value changes are recognized in the income statement.

Harvesting and Sale: When agricultural produce is harvested, it is measured at its fair value less estimated costs to sell at the point of harvest. This valuation is important for determining the income generated from agricultural activities.

Disclosure: The standard requires comprehensive disclosures regarding agricultural activities, including information about the nature and extent of agricultural assets, fair value measurements, and any biological transformation processes.

IAS 41 Agriculture is essential for entities engaged in agricultural activities, as it ensures that the financial reporting accurately represents the economic reality of agricultural operations. Compliance with this standard enables investors, analysts, and other stakeholders to make informed decisions about entities involved in agriculture and provides transparency into the financial performance of such activities.


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