Getting ready with Sunday Ft. Farhan Saeed | Episode 2 | LSA’23 | Sunday Exclusive

Описание к видео Getting ready with Sunday Ft. Farhan Saeed | Episode 2 | LSA’23 | Sunday Exclusive

GettingReadyWithSunday: Preparing for the Lux Style Awards 2023 alongside our very favourite Farhan Saeed 🌟 Join us for an exclusive glimpse of the Sunday Times' behind-the-scenes glamour with the rockstar 🎶🎙

Watch the complete episode on our YouTube channel (Link in our bio)

Hospitality partner for Sunday Times: @ambiancehotels

#FarhanSaeed #GettingReadyWithSunday #LSA #LuxStyleAward #LSA2023 #SundayExclusive #SundayTimesExclusive


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