How to tow a caravan

Описание к видео How to tow a caravan

Watch our video for top tips on how to tow safely and with confidence

It has long been a British institution loved my millions and now a new study shows the caravanning holiday is coming back in a big way, with one in five Brits planning a caravanning or camping holiday this year.

If you are planning on fixing a caravan to the back of your car, it's vital that you make sure you know what you're doing first.

Research commissioned by Nissan found that four out of ten people who tow caravans, trailers or boats have had no training on how to do so. Many also feel that they don't get any respect on the road from other drivers, with six out of ten saying other drivers treat them without due care, consideration or attention, while 40% say they have felt pressured into taking risks as a result of other driver behavior.

Are you towing for the first time, or just fancy a refresher on how to tow safely? Either way, watch our video, with Tim Shallcross from the Institute of Advanced Motorists and Nissan's Head of 4x4, Rachael Gregory. They share their tips and advice from how to load, manoeuvring whilst towing, hitching and unhitching to making sure your vehicle is powerful enough to tow the caravan (the Nissan X-Trail for example can pull 2200 kg,) so that you reach your destination safely.


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