Doom II - Squonker 3 - MAP03: The Bridge (Ultra-Violence 100%)

Описание к видео Doom II - Squonker 3 - MAP03: The Bridge (Ultra-Violence 100%)

Hey peeps, I'm continuing my exploration of the Squonker Team oeuvre and I hope you'll join me! The recent release of a number of QoL fixes for the earliest Squonker wads by fellow community member Devalaous pushed my interest in one particular output: Squonker 3, an 8-map, vanilla-compatible episode released in 2021. According to the Doom Wiki, Squonker 3 is the first notable release of the group, using "textures from various 90s PWADs". Onward with the Squonk!

Basic info
IWAD: doom2.wad
Difficulty: Ultra-Violence (pistol start)
Map author: T. Will
Music: "Gridlock" by James Paddock (aka Jimmy) (from Doom 2 Unleashed)
Port: DSDA-Doom 0.27.5
Compatibility level: 2 (Vanilla)
QoL mods: Colored Blood, Ultrawide Statusbar, Minor Fixes by Devalaous

Additional notes
A "normal" size map, however one defines that. I rank T. Will and myolden as the first ones in the team to rise to the challenge of putting you in unpleasant, borderline trollish situations, and 'The Bridge' certainly falls into that template. The combat isn't exactly super difficult, though it does require some careful strategizing and ammo management once you cross the titular bridge. It's the secrets that give off that vibe - first with the archie + lost soul combo protecting a very valuable stash of goodies and for which you'll probably be unprepared early on; and second with Will's deadly trap in secret 2 promptly killing you via a voodoo doll if you dare to grab the BFG. Seems greed isn't always good. Be careful in the last ambush - I recommend not splurging the rockets on the pillared archies and instead saving a few to deal with the hell noble meat shield.

Secret 1: 3:45

Secret 2: 4:10


QoL mods:

Colored Blood:

Ultrawide Statusbars:

Minor Fixes by Devalaous:


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