"Nomadic life: wheat flour and millstone; Art from the creative hands of nomadic women"

Описание к видео "Nomadic life: wheat flour and millstone; Art from the creative hands of nomadic women"

*Nomadic life: the art and work of women in grinding wheat with a millstone* Nomadic life is one of the oldest and richest cultures of Iran, which brings unique experiences due to its close connection with nature and daily conflicts. In this lifestyle, nomadic women play a key and undeniable role in providing livelihood for families and maintaining cultural customs. One of the important and traditional activities that nomadic women participate in is grinding wheat
Of course! Here are ten hashtags related to nomadic life and grinding wheat with millstones by nomadic women: 1. Nomadic life 2. Nomadic women 3. Wheat mill 4. Millstone 5. Traditional culture 6. Nomadic life 7. Traditional flour 8. #custom_and_custom 9. #women's_art_hands 10. #traditional_foods These hashtags can help promote and introduce nomadic culture and life.


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