Types of Figures of Speech | Seven Types | Part 4 | Synechdoche, Antithesis, Pun.. |

Описание к видео Types of Figures of Speech | Seven Types | Part 4 | Synechdoche, Antithesis, Pun.. |

In this video, we will learn seven important figures of speech from a ton of figures of Speech.

A figure of speech :
A figure of speech is figurative language. That is a language used to draw picture mentally to convey a message or idea much quicker, effective and vividly.

Seven important Figures of Speech are :

1. Synecdoche
A Synchedoche is a figure of speech that uses a part to represent a whole thing. Or it uses a whole thing to represent a part.

2. Metonymy
A Metonymy is a figure of speech where one thing is substituted by another thing which is closely associated with it.
or in other words, one object is being replaced by another object which is closely linked with it.

3. Climax
A Climax is a Figure of speech in which series of words, phrases, or ideas are arranged in ascending order of its importance.
And In the case of a situation, all events are in sequential order.

4. AntiClimax
An Anti-Climax is a Figure of speech in which series of words, phrases, or ideas are arranged in descending order of its importance.
And In the case of a situation, all events are in reverse order of there occurrence.

5. Antithesis
An Antithesis is a figure of speech in which two opposite ideas are put together in a sentence to achieve a contrasting effect.
It is done to put emphasis.

6. Epigram
An Epigram is a figure of speech in which a short witty sentence is used which expresses a general truth or comment.
It is a brief, clever, and memorable statement.

7. Pun.
A Pun is a figure of speech where we play with words that have more than one meaning.
It is used to create a humorous effect.

Please watch the entire video to understand all of them.

Please watch below video to understand in detail about different Grammar Topics.

Figure of Speech Part 1 :
Figure of Speech | Figurative vs Literal Language | Figurative Meaning vs Literal Meaning
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Figure of Speech Part 2 :
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Figure of Speech Part 3 :
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