Q Street Railroad Crossing, Rerouted UP 3856 Intermodal Northbound, Sacramento CA

Описание к видео Q Street Railroad Crossing, Rerouted UP 3856 Intermodal Northbound, Sacramento CA

A rerouted Union Pacific stack train with white containers on the UP Sacramento Sub passing the Q St railroad Crossing at 2:30pm in Midtown Downtown Sacramento with UP 3856 and UP 6466 heading up to Haggin to shove in onto the Martinez and also crew switch on the Martinez at Haggin. It stopped to wait on the switch at Haggin. The lights are all synced together now. The cantilevers lights use to flash opposite from it's gated mast signals lights.

Crossing Info:
Q St, Sacramento CA.
Signals owned and maintained by Union Pacific Railroad. Bells ring through whole activation activation.

Signal on left has an NEG Electronic Bell, 2 pairs of 12x24 inch Safetran Lights with 12 inch WCH 2nd Generation LEDs, Safetran brackets, Union Pacific LED gate lights, NEG gate saver, Safetran counterweight arm, Safetran gate mechanism and Safetran base.

Harmon Cantilever Signal on its mast has 1 pair of 12x24 WCH 2nd Generation LEDs with Safetran Lights and Safetran Brackets. Its overhead has 2 pairs of 12x24 Union Pacific LEDs with WCH Lights and WRRS Brackets.

Cantilevers Shoulder gated signal having an NEG Electronic Bell, 1 pair of 12x24 Safetran Lights with 12 inch WCH 2nd Generation LEDs, Safetran brackets, Union Pacific LED gate lights, NEG gate saver, Safetran counterweight arm, Safetran gate mechanism, and Safetran base.


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