Sri Krishna Ashtakam, by Sri Swami Maharaj (Sri Tembe Swamigal)

Описание к видео Sri Krishna Ashtakam, by Sri Swami Maharaj (Sri Tembe Swamigal)

Jaya GuruDeva Datta! Namo Gurave Vasudevaya!

This week we dedicate Krishna Ashtakam – another Krishna stotra composed by Sri Swami Maharaj in the form of an octet (ashtakam).

The stotra starts with the prayer: "One who happily removes people's sorrows; who blesses even the slow-seekers without discrimination; the root of True-Conscient-Bliss; bestower of immortality and fame; oh! Krishna, protect us!"

Sri Swami Maharaj remarks a lot about Her qualities in the stotra – Destroyer of accrued sins; fame far apart the capacity of mind and words; giver of Goodness; Remover of Sins and distresses; Protector of the devout; Bestower of beatitude.

"Mother! Just remembering upon and singing Your glories is enough to do away with troubles. What to say of those that live in Your banks and dip for a bath in Your holy waters?"

"Refuge of the distressed; Mother, I am sinking in the mires of Samsara. Help me up and cross across."

"Protect me, who is frightened by the six internal enemies, Oh! Krishna – River incarnate Vishnu."

"In whose banks, the Ganas of Shiva and the Retinue of Vishnu quarrel amongst, in deciding who will guide the Souls departed to their realms; let that Krishna remove our miseries."

"Shiva and Vishnu, though different in forms are verily the same Brahman. Perhaps to enhance this message, the Shiva incarnate Veni and Vishnu incarnate Krishna, though originating at different places, combine and flow together as KrishnaVenii", so concludes the stotra.

By Sri Swami Maharaj's blessings, let us be void of Shiva-Vishnu discrimination and be vessels of the grace of KrishnaVenii.

Namo Gurave Vasudevaya! Jaya GuruDeva Datta!

Audio: Smt. Anuthama Murali
Thumbnail image source: istockphoto-466116124


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