
Описание к видео 爆笑全場!男友缺心眼,塗磊大贊品格好現場支招偷吻女孩,壹看就是情場老手

《爱情保卫战》是天津卫视2010年推出的情感心理节目,由赵川主持。节目把现实中青年男女在恋爱过程中遇到的各种困惑与矛盾搬上舞台,双方通过交流、沟通与争辩把内心的痛苦与困惑全盘托出。节目现场邀请情感导师为情侣提供理性分析、科学考量、恋爱指导和情感忠告,倡导正确的恋爱观、婚姻观、幸福观。同时也邀请明星夫妻等社会人士指导。欢迎您的订阅及转发!"Battle for love" is an emotional and psychological program launched by Tianjin satellite TV in 2010, hosted by Zhaochuan. The program brings all kinds of puzzles and contradictions encountered by young men and women in the process of love onto the stage. The two sides reveal their inner pain and confusion through communication, communication and debate. Emotional tutors are invited to provide couples with rational analysis, scientific consideration, love guidance and emotional advice, and advocate correct views on love, marriage and happiness. At the same time, celebrity couples and other social figures are invited to guide. Welcome to subscribe and forward!


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