EPI-01 // A Random, casual, unexpected day in Leeds, UK✨🇬🇧

Описание к видео EPI-01 // A Random, casual, unexpected day in Leeds, UK✨🇬🇧

Hello again everybody.
It's been a long time since I uploaded here and life has been pretty busy and different since then. I moved to UK for higher studies and I would be lying if I said that I am loving every bit of bit. Regardless of everything, I learnt to make peace with the fact that IT IS WHAT IT IS :))
Moving on, I recently went out (it was random) with my flat mate expecting for a different vibe but actually ended up feeling 100x more refreshing and peaceful than ever. I documented some bits and compiled into a small video so that 10 years from now I will look back and feel cringe about myself(feeling something is better than feeling nothing at all, lol).
Haha, jokes apart. I am used to document every little moments no matter how tiny or huge they are and I believe we live by these moments.
So, this space might be my cache where I store some memories in chunks.
Hope you enjoy and have a great time walking through this :))
Yours truly,


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