6 health benefits of egg fruit || health benefits of garden egg leaf || exotic tropical fruit

Описание к видео 6 health benefits of egg fruit || health benefits of garden egg leaf || exotic tropical fruit

Why is it called the “eggfruit”?

When ripe, the canistel fruit is said to have a texture similar to that of a thoroughly cooked egg yolk. The fruit has a color of orange to yellow thin skin, and the flesh is dry like a boiled egg yolk. They are usually eaten fresh and are used for cooking.
Have you ever tried eating something similar to a slightly sweetened cooked egg yolk, known as the canistel fruit? Devouring yourself into that ripe, yellow, egg yolk-like canistel would bring you tons of surprises.

Canistel Fruit Health Benefits are:

1.A super food

When it comes to nutrition, the fruit is loaded with various nutrients and thus considered as a super food. It packs about 50% more energy than the banana and nearly as much protein as the avocado. Canistels are rich in carotene, B group vitamins and essential minerals. It is a low fat fruit that provides high levels of protein and fibre and fair levels of ascorbic acid.

2.Loads of beta carotene

Just like all the other yellow-orange fruits, canistel is a rich source of provitamin A carotenoids. These carotenoids are converted into vitamin A in the body.

The fruit contains about 30mg of β-carotene in 100g of the edible fruit and is thus beneficial for good vision and is found to be effective for the treatment of dry eyes while playing an important role in lowering the risks of cataract and age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

3.High in minerals

As the fruit contains significant levels of minerals with 100 gms of the edible fruit containing about 25 mgs of calcium and about 40 mgs of phosphorus it is a natural remedy for treatment and management of arthritis. The fruit also helps in strengthening of bones in children, the elderly and those suffering from bone and joint related ailments.

4.Perfect for digestive health

Canistel is an excellent source of dietary fiber, that promotes a healthy digestive system. Fibre also helps in regulating the blood glucose levels and in eliminating the bad cholesterol from the body.

5.immune booster

The canistel fruit is a good source of vitamin C or ascorbic acid with about 60-100 mgs. The fruit is known to be an effective immune booster and is thus a useful natural remedy for treatment of flu, coughs, pneumonia, and other lung infections.
6.Has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties

The fruit contains the amino acids, lysine, tryptophan and methionine as well as flavonoids that have anti-tumour, anti-inflammatory, anti-HIV and anti-microbial effects.

Other than that, the fruit is a natural remedy for clearing bacterial and fungal infections in the body when consumed regularly.

So, if you are not yet a regular eater of this yellow overload, it is time for you to think of adding this nutritious and unique fruit to your diet. Aside from the canistel fruit health benefits, this egg fruit will offer you a range of basic nutrients for your optimum health.


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