How To Make A Leather Pouch | Recycled Leather | Recycled Leather Sofa | Bushcraft Pouch

Описание к видео How To Make A Leather Pouch | Recycled Leather | Recycled Leather Sofa | Bushcraft Pouch

In this video I look at how to make a leather pouch.

With the UK in lockdown due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, spending time outdoors is challenging right now. That being the case, I'm investing more time in outdoor related projects... but at home.

I made this leather pouch using material harvested from an old leather couch bound for the tip. It's not pretty, but it is functional! If you browse 'leather pouch' on YouTube you will find LOADS of examples of people making some brilliant leather pouches - and all looking far better than this one!

Throughout this COVID-19 lockdown I'll be tackling a whole load of outdoor-related projects in my workshop, from making stuff, to skills development and demonstrations, to.... well, to absolutely anything - I may even do some camp-cooking in the garden!

#ExplorerJust #foraging #amadou


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