PCI MedTalk: What is Vascular Surgery?

Описание к видео PCI MedTalk: What is Vascular Surgery?

Vascular and Endovascular Surgeons focus on your arteries and veins. They specialize in restoring blood flow to the blood vessels, so that your heart, brain and limbs function at their best. Vascular Surgeons are uniquely trained in that they are able to provide the entire spectrum of options for patients, from minimally invasive endovascular procedures to maximally invasive open surgeries. They also provide screening for stroke and arterial disease and diagnosis of vascular disease.

David Lawrence, MD, PCI Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon, describes the different specialists who help with heart, arterial and vascular issues, what types of illness vascular surgeons treat, and how vascular surgeons fill a unique niche in a patient's journey to wellness.

To learn more about PCI Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, please visit https://www.pcofiowa.com/find-medical...


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