Proximity to Power & Your Voice

Описание к видео Proximity to Power & Your Voice

There is a HUGE relationship between confidence and vocal presence that centers on your comfort with your own power (enthusiasm and passion).

Not comfortable feeling strong emotions = you wont speak
Comfortable feeling strong emotions = you will speak anywhere

Confident individuals, who are comfortable with their own power, exhibit certain physical and verbal cues such as slower speech, fewer filler words, and intentional body language. This confidence stems from inner work and self-acceptance, which is the "inner job" that requires no external validation.

Embracing one's power is crucial for effective communication and leadership, despite fears of changing relationships and personal dynamics. The process of nurturing this confidence involves various forms of self-improvement, including energy work, mindset work, and physical practices, and is essential for projecting a confident image in professional and personal settings.

Action Items:
✅ Do inner work to feel more comfortable with one's own power.
✅ Spend time nurturing your relationship with yourself and your "highest good"
✅ Do energy work, mindset work, subconscious work, breath work, physical work, and affirmations.

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